An Assessor's Department Real Property Appraisal Card file for 840 Grandville Ave SW, the previous location of Motman and Hondorp Electric Company and Grand Diesel and Machine.
An Assessor's Department Real Property Appraisal Card file for 1549 Kalamazoo Ave SE, the past location of AC Grocery Store, Andrea's Pizza, Andy's TV, Herman Ophoff Appliances and Televisions, and a coin-op laundry.
An Assessor's Department Real Property Appraisal Card file for 1553 Kalamazoo Ave SE, past location of Feringa's Dry Goods, Boston Square Variety Store, and Amash Imports, Inc.
An Assessor's Department Real Property Appraisal Card file for 1562 Kalamazoo Ave SE, the former location of Greenfield Produce Center and Kingma Bros.