Scrip labor crews are adding sidewalks to the 900 block of Aberdeen Street NE. The photographer is facing west toward Plainfield Avenue NE. Aberdeen School is at the left.
The two houses on the right, nearest the automobile are located at 923…
A scrip labor crew working on grading Ball Avenue NE. There are houses at the top of the hill. This is the same location as 002869 but looking in a different direction. The negative is labeled Ball Ave. NE.
A scrip labor crew grades an unidentified dirt road on a very steep hill. This was part of the Ball Avenue NE project. There are houses at the top of the hill. This is the same view as 002866 which was taken in November. This view complements…
A scrip labor crew working on the Ball Avenue NE Project are grading a very steep hill on a dirt road. There are houses at the top of the hill. This is the same view as 002869, which was taken a few months later.
The photograph depicts scrip labor crews constructing Belknap Memorial Park, aka Belknap Park. The men are digging into a steep hill. There are trees on the hill and several men are standing on the hill above the work. The area in the foreground is…
The photograph depicts scrip labor crews constructing Belknap Memorial Park, aka Belknap Park. The men are digging into a steep hill. There are trees on the hill and several men are standing on the hill above the work. The area in the foreground is…